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John Owens

John Owens

Technical Sales Manager, Breedon Group

Involved in the Welsh Slate industry for over 37 years ago, roles have ranged from quarry extraction, research and development, and working with clients, contractors and designers assisting with Welsh Slate applications. Currently supporting colleagues, customers, clients and designers to provide guidance and technical assistance regarding the use of Welsh Slate products.

  • I've seen how techniques and machinery have advanced in the stone trade, making life easier, more efficient and saving money on a project
    Show Visitor
  • The Natural Stone Show has been really exciting for us, we’ve met a lot of great people and had a lot of traffic on the stand, it has been a great setting for our official launch.
    Kelly Johnson
  • You can find everything!
    Show Visitor
  • The real highlight of the show has been seeing so many people come to see the new colours that we've introduced...we've pulled in incredible crowds with the new range.
    Simon Boocock
    CR Laurence of Europe



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